Our Campus Advisory Council (CAC) is an advisory group for the school formed by teachers, staff members, parents, community members, and business partners. Formation of the CAC is required by Texas law.
What is the mission of the CACs?
The mission of CACs is to promote excellence in education for all students through broad-based representation. CACs provide valuable input to principals, who ultimately have decision-making responsibility for their campuses.
Anita Sigler - Chair (specialists)
Tanya Vazquez - 5th
Petra Ortiz - 4th
Maria Gomez - 3rd
Julieta Montes- 2nd
Tina Roberts - 1st
Karina Peralta - K
Maria Olguin - PK
Steven Moreno - MAP
Yvette Soliz - SPED
What if I'm interested in serving on a Campus Advisory Council?
Membership of Campus Advisory Councils is determined at the campus level. Download a standard membership application [PDF] (Español). Completed applications should be submitted to your campus principal. Detailed information on membership criteria is contained in the CAC Bylaws (Español).